An Archive of Animations/Cartoons of Ancient Greece & Rome: From the 1920s Through Today

Sur son blog, Ayun Halliday , attire notre attention sur une formidable ressource : un blog qui recense tous les dessins animés en lien avec l’antiquité, avec un classement par année ! :

Ancient Greece and Rome have provided fertile hunting grounds for animated subject matter since the very inception of the form.

So what if the results wind up doing little more than frolic in the pastoral setting? Witness 1930’s Playful Pan, above, which can basically be summed up as Silly Symphony in a toga (with a cute bear cub who looks a lot like Mickey Mouse and some flame play that prefigures The Sorcerer’s Apprentice…)…

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Consulter le blog « Animated Antiquity, Cartoon Representations of Greece, Rome and Beyond by Chiara Sulprizio » :

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