The “Journal of Classics Teaching”: le numéro 46 est disponible.

Le dernier numéro de la revue anglaise consacrée à la didactique des langues anciennes “Journal of Classics Teaching ” (Volume 23 – Automne 2022) est disponible en ligne.


Au sommaire:

  • How Future Teachers Learn and Teach about Greek Gods. From University to Primary Education
  • Greek Club: Resurrecting Dead Languages in Secondary Schools
  • Comprehending Comprehensible Input (CI): Some Observations
  • Lemma navigation by excellent secondary school students of Ancient Greek
  • Teaching Latin language and Roman culture as a journey from present to past: an action research project at a secondary classroom
  • Novellas and Free Voluntary Reading: an overview and some starting points for further research into practice

A propos Samuel Tursin

Enseignant de Lettres classiques dans l'académie de Lille.

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