The “Journal of Classics Teaching”: le numéro 45 est disponible.

Le dernier numéro de la revue anglaise consacrée à la didactique des langues anciennes “Journal of Classics Teaching ” (Volume 23 – Issue 4 – Printemps 2022) est disponible en ligne.


Au sommaire:

  • A critical study into the extent that co-operative learning promotes a greater confidence and a more accurate rendering of syntax in unseen translations for Year 12 IB Higher Latinists
  • Development of key competences through Latin and Greek in secondary school in Italy and Spain
  • Student and teacher perceptions of the value of Total War: Saga in motivating KS3 students in an all-boys state school

A propos Samuel Tursin

Enseignant de Lettres classiques dans l'académie de Lille.

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