Tag Archives: activités manuelles

Tuto : Fabriquer une tablette de cire

le site timetravellerkids.co.uk nous indique un tutoriel tout simple pour fabriquer une tablette de cire comme les Romains. Writing tablets have been used for thousands of years, long before paper was readily available. In ancient Greece and Rome, wax tablets were very popular. These were small, book sized wooden tablets that were hollowed out on one side and covered with …

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Tutoriel : fabriquer une lampe à huile

Oil lamps have been found in many Ancient civilizations and there are many examples of Roman oil lamps. Many of these were made from clay which was set in moulds and then fired. The lamps were often decorated with patterns or pictures like this one in the British Museum, which has a picture of gladiators fighting on it! We thought it would …

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Activité – Comment jouer en latin au jeu de 7 familles

Olivier Rimbault explique, sur son site Via Neolatina, comment ce jeu bien connu en France constitue un excellent outil pour réviser le vocatif, l ’accusatif, le génitif et l’ablatif par l’usage et le jeu. L’auteur propose une excellente fiche dans laquelle il expose la démarche à suivre. La voici : Comment jouer en latin au jeu des 7 familles – Olivier Rimbault

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