Photograph: Jaclyn Rivas The Field Museum's Trojan Horse sits atop an entrance to the Chicago Red Line station

Réenchantons le quotidien avec l’Antiquité : Quand une station de métro devient le cheval de Troie

A Chicago, l’entrée de la station de métro proche du musée Field, dont l’exposition actuelle est consacrée aux Grecs de l’Antiquité, s’est métamorphosée en cheval de Troie.

If you walked by the Chicago Red Line stop this morning, you may have noticed commuters pouring out of a Trojan replica, which was erected over one of the staircases that leads to the platform. Fortunately, the arrival of this horse doesn’t signal a full-scale invasion of the Near North Side—it was actually built to promote the Field Museum’s latest exhibition, « The Greeks: From Agamemnon to Alexander the Great ». The museum took the promotion one step further earlier this morning, stationing two guards dressed in period-appropriate attire and holding spears to flank the staircase outside of the station.

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