Le blog « Oxford University Press’s Academic Insights for the Thinking World » nous propose une compilation de quelques remèdes antiques… assez curieux :
« Men have more sutures in their skulls than do women, because their bigger brains need more ventilation (Aristotle Parts of Animals 653b). »
« A cure for severe insomnia: you should tie the patient’s arms and legs at the time when he usually goes to bed, and order him to stay awake. If he closes his eyes, force him to open them. Do this till he is sufficiently exhausted, then suddenly untie him, remove the lamp, and ensure that he is left undisturbed (Oribasius Synopsis to Eustathius, His Son 6.31, drawing on a lost work by Galen). »
Lire l’article de : J.C. McKeown : http://blog.oup.com/2017/01/best-medical-advice-from-ancient-greece-rome/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=oupacademic&utm_campaign=oupblog