Vox in Tenebris

Rayon : Novellas et lectures en latin ou en grec ancien
Texte : Andrew Olimpi
Editeur : autoedition (amazon)
Site de l'éditeur
Format : 117 pages
EAN : 9798620196357


Lucanus, a Roman citizen travelling through Greece, has a big
problem: he is far from home, broke, and desperate to make some quick
money. A job opportunity soon comes his way, with a big reward: one
hundred gold coins! The catch? Lucanus has to stay up all night with the
dead body of a prominent citizen. Lucanus takes the job, even though
he’s heard the stories that citizens of the town whisper: tales of
witches, ruthless and bloodthirsty, who wander the streets after the sun
the sun goes down . . . This novella, accessible to intermediate
readers of Latin, is a rollicking and thrilling adaptation of a famous
episode from Apuleius’ ancient novel Metamorphoses. This volume
includes marginal glosses of unusual vocabulary, a full glossary, and
over 100 illustrations to make the reader as accessible as possible.

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