Templum Romanum

Rayon :
Texte : Mr. Jessie Craft
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)
Site de l'éditeur
Format : 51 pages
EAN : 9781983489518


More than just a Latin translation of Roman Temple: A Story of its Origins and Construction, Templum Romanum delves deeper into the story of a young Vitruvius who was a Roman architect during the Age of Augustus and who wanted nothing more than to build temples. Journey to places near and far alongside Vitruvius, who, with the support of his loving father, works to overcome obstacles and seeks to learn ancient temple architecture in the hopes of one day building his own Roman temple. This is a Latin II reader which focuses on Roman temple architecture. Although it was written for students in their 2nd year of Latin, it was successfully test read by students in years 2, 3, 4, and 5. Additionally, it was designed so that it would open the door for teachers to go into greater detail through in-class discussions with their students about Roman religion, temple architecture, and parents supporting their children’s education.

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