Rayon :
Texte : CAMERON Christian
Dessin : BONDARENKO Dmitry
Editeur : Jet City Comics
Format : 26 pages
L’histoire : the Shield-Brethren are a secret martial order that has defended the West for centuries. Now, the origins of the order are revealed in this stunning three-issue SideQuest comic book.
While the conservative ruling powers of decadent Athens arrange to have them watched, four young men go to a dinner party with Plato–Xenophon, the king of Macedon; a pair of Spartans; and the most beautiful woman in Athens. The question on everyone’s mind: What form would an ideal city take?
The answer is a quest, and a dream…
pages en prévue là : https://www.comixology.com/Symposium-2-of-3/digital-comic/133436?ref=Y29taWMvdmlldy9kZXNrdG9wL3NsaWRlckxpc3Qvc2VyaWVz
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