Rūfus et Lūcia: līberī lutulentī

Rayon : Novellas et lectures en latin ou en grec ancien
Texte : Lance Piantaggini (Magister P.)
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)
Site de l'éditeur
Collection : Classical Antiquity: The Pisoverse
Format : 88 pages
EAN : 9781720824329


(25-70 words, 1600 total, macrons) his collection of 18 stories supplies learners with additional input that could be used to reinforce the vocabulary in each chapter of Rufus lutulentus. The expansions add details to characters and events from the original novella with the help from Adrienne Belzer’s Lucia (from Lucia: puella mala). This muddy duo have fun in the second of each chapter expansion with entirely new scenes. As such, this text can be used as a Free Voluntary Reading (FVR) option for all Latin students..

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