Maximus et Caecilia

Rayon :
Texte : Dr. Christopher R. Buczek
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)
Site de l'éditeur
Format : 52 pages
EAN : 9781987593754


“Maximus et Caecilia” is a tale of two Roman friends. Maximus teaches
Latin to Caecilia’s chickens on her family’s farm, until one day the
evil Tarquinius shows up and wants to take away the chickens. This leads
to a conflict between Maximus and Tarquinius. What will Caecilia do to
save her friend, her farm, and her chickens? Who else will help her and
Maximus? Read the book and find out! This Latin novella is written with
150 unique Latin terms and slightly more than 3,700 total words. It is
ideal reading for students in the later part of their first year or
during the second year of Latin study.

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