Lars Rōmam Ōdit

Rayon : Novellas et lectures en latin ou en grec ancien
Texte : Andrew Olimpi
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)
Site de l'éditeur
Format : 95 pages
EAN : 9798627942636


Lars is the king of Clusium, a city in ancient Italy, and it is good to be the king. He has fame, wealth, and power—everything he could ever want. He even has a best friend, Titus, the royal scribe.

But all good things must come to an end.

One day a king named Tarquinius arrives Clusium, asking Lars for help. Rome, a town close to Clusium, has kicked out Tarquinius and set up its own government. Lars vows to help his friend regain the throne, confident in the strength of his army and the loyalty of his people. But, as it turns out, capturing Rome may be more difficult than Lars ever imagined.

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