Epicurus : the Sage

Rayon :
Texte : MESSNER-LOEBS William
Dessin : KEITH Sam
Editeur : WildStorm
Format : 160 pages


Au départ, Epicurus : The Sage a paru en feuilleton (comme souvent avec les comics) chez  Piranha Press / DC Comics NY, puis l’histoire a été regroupée en un seul tome en 2001/2003 chez Wildsorm.

Three long stories in color and a black-and-white short make up Epicurus the Sage. Each stars the Greek philosopher who said pleasure was the highest good but made moderation his watchword.
For Kieth and Messner-Loebs´ anachronistic purposes, his sidekicks are Plato, always trying to get an audience for his theory of ideal forms, and Alexander of Macedon, a blond tyke whose precocious predilection for fighting and rapine foreshadows the conquering greatness in his future. (Aristotle, Alex´s teacher, is a regular but regularly sidelined by injuries”from Alex.)
Together the three explore some of the great myths”Persephone in Hades, the various philanderings of Zeus, Phaeton driving the chariot of the Sun, the Trojan War”and the great and not-so-great ideas of classical Greece. Their mode of exploration is broad comedy : reductio ad absurdum verbally and slapstick physically. Remember the Bill and Ted movies about two teenage goons time-traveling to meet Socrates, Shakespeare, and other great minds ? The adventures of Kieth and Messner-Loebs´ perambulating trio are smarter and funnier in every way.

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