Rayon : Novellas et lectures en latin ou en grec ancien
Texte : Lance Piantaggini (Magister P.)
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)

Collection : Classical Antiquity: The Pisoverse
Format : 86 pages
EAN : 9781986798440
(38 words, 2000 total) Drusilla is a Roman girl who loves to eat, but doesn’t know how precious her favorite foods are. In this tale featuring all kinds of Romans living within, and beyond their means, will Drusilla discover how fortunate she is? Drūsilla in Subūrā offers a glimpse into multicultural Rome beyond the wealthy class. It works works well with any unit on Roman apartment buildings, neighborhoods, social classes, and could be well-suited for students interested in reading Petronius’ Cena Trimalchionis.
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