Cloelia: puella Romana

Rayon :
Texte : Ellie Arnold
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)
Site de l'éditeur
Format : 64 pages
EAN : 9781533624727


Cloelia is only ten years old when she finds herself at the center of
one of Roman history’s great turning points- the fall of the monarchy.
Will she choose safety for herself, or risk losing everything she knows
to save her city? Join Cloelia as she navigates the dangers and choices a
Roman woman faces in a man’s world. Learn along with her from tales of
courage, grief, and honor, including the stories of Camilla, Kallisto,
Lucretia, Mucius Scaevola, and Horatius Cocles. This book was written
using forms of only 208 Latin words, roughly half of which are drawn
from the Dickinson College Commentary Top 200 Latin Words list. It is
intended as a transitional reader between an elementary sequence and
authentic Latin literature, and with instructional support should be
accessible to late elementary and intermediate students of Latin.

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