Atlantis Chronicles – #7 (“Death and Life/Tails of the Sea/Birthrite”)

Rayon :
Texte : DAVID Peter Allen
Dessin : MAROTO Esteban, SALADINO Gaspar, KACHELHOFER Eric
Editeur : DC Comic
Format : 48 pages


Honsu´s soldiers are tired, they´ve fought too long and too hard. So Honsu tells the Greeks that if they can defeat his greatest warrior, his son Kraken, in battle, he will go back to the water and never bother them again. A brave Greek warrior steps into the fight, and the rest… you´ll have to read for yourself.

The story continues, after skipping a few generations, with the beautiful Atlanna, reading the chronicles. Disturbed by dreams of Atlan, and discontent in her life with husband and king, Trevis, she reads to forget, and to continue… For the Atlantis Chronicles have been discontinued due to pressure from the Shakalites, and Atlanna writes in her journal to keep the tradition alive.

Atlanna has been unable to produce a royal heir for Trevis, and that, mixed with the return of dark religion and superstition to Atlantis and the encroachment of the surface-dwellers pollution, led to an intolerable situation, and the return of a legend, Atlan.

And the birth of another legend : Aquaman. The Shalakites see his blond hair as a curse, and he is abandoned on Mercy Reef. Before he kills himself, Trevis writes the fate of her son in Atlanna´s journal, and before the opressive regime takes control of the city, Atlanna hides her journal among the other tomes of Chronicles.

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