L’Université de Cambridge a mis en ligne les cahiers de travails utilisés par Sir Isaac Newton. 4000 pages ont été scannées.
Plus d’informations (en anglais) : https://www.greecehighdefinition.com/blog/2020/2/1/isaac-newtons-manuscripts-in-greek-part-of-isaac-newtons-manuscripts-were-written-in-greek
The notebooks in which Sir Isaac Newton worked out the theories on which much classical science is based have been put online by Cambridge University. More than 4,000 pages have been scanned, including his annotated copy of Principia Mathematica, containing Newton’s laws of motion and gravity.
Newton wrote mainly in Latin and Greek, the scientific language of his time, and was reluctant to publish.
The papers mark the launch of the Cambridge Digital Library project to digitise its collections. As well as Principia and Newton’s college notebooks, the Newton Papers section of the online library contains his “Waste Book”.