Alt School / Homer Meets High-Tech: Data Visualization and the Classics

Pour essayer de renouveller un peu l’étude de l’Iliade, un professeur anglais a décidé de la redoubler d’un travail sur les statistiques et le design, en proposant à ses élèves de réaliser de belles infographies…

How do you make a 3,000-year-old text relevant to young readers? As a middle school literature teacher, it’s hard to keep the entire class excited and involved throughout a multi-week unit. It’s even harder when that text is, say,The Iliad. So I recently tried a new tactic.

Inspired by an approach that melded scientific study with literature and some interesting visualization for Homer’s Iliad from LitCharts and moebio, I proposed that we attempt a similar visualization. My class quickly jumped on board. After discussing a few ideas, we decided to track instances of rage in the epic. Rage, after all, is the first word of the 15,693-line text. So, every time one character became angry with another character, we took note — over a two month period…

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