A Colchester, une version modernisée de la belle mosaïque de Lyon.

The school pupils started the mosaic on the 1st November 2005 and completed it on the 20th September 2006. Most of the pupils were from the Philip Morant School and College, but pupils from other schools also helped, ie Hamilton Primary School, Prettygate Infant School, Prettygate Junior School, Home Farm Primary School, Gosbecks Primary School, and Lexden Primary School, as well as some adult volunteers, including Trust volunteers. The project was funded by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and managed by Peter Herring who was assisted by a number of people. In 2007, the completed mosaic was put on display on a mound in the paddock between Le Cateau Road and Circular Road North, on the site of part of the Roman…

En savoir plus : http://www.thecolchesterarchaeologist.co.uk/?p=29902

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