
Rayon : Novellas et lectures en latin ou en grec ancien
Texte : Peter Sipes
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)
Site de l'éditeur
Format : 55 pages
EAN : 9781937847098


The new fragrance.The old poem.You’ll wish you were all nose.Clodia, girlfriend of the poet Catullus, has just gotten a perfume made by Venus and Cupid. It’s so amazing that Catullus wants to share it with a friend. You won’t believe what happens next.This story is aimed at Latin students wanting to improve their ability to read Latin fluently. It uses 128 words—including every word in the original poem—not including proper nouns. Story includes three tiered versions of Catullus 13 and a complete vocabulary at the back of the book.Peter Sipes teaches Latin at a middle school in Casper, Wyoming, where he lives with his two children.

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