A papyrus fragment believed to contain lines from the Gospel of John, dating from A.D. 250 to A.D. 350. Credit Geoffrey Smith, via The University of Texas at Austin

New York Times / Un papyrus de 250/300 découvert… sur ebay

Le New York Times nous raconte l’histoire surprenante de la (re)découverte d’un fragment de papyrus sur ebay, contenant d’un côté quelques lignes de l’évangile de Saint Jean, et un intéressant verso !

Last January, Geoffrey Smith, a scholar of early Christianity at the University of Texas, noticed something startling: an eBay listing for an ancient Greek papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John — with an opening bid of only $99.

“I thought, This can’t be allowed to sell on eBay,” Dr. Smith said. “It will just disappear into a private collection.”

Dr. Smith contacted the seller and urged him to halt the online auction — apparently the first on eBay for a Greek New Testament papyrus, he and other scholars said — and let him study the fragment. The seller agreed, and now, on Saturday, Mr. Smith will present his research at the annual conference of the Society of Biblical Literature in Atlanta.

The credit-card-size papyrus, which Dr. Smith dates from around A.D. 250 to A.D. 350, contains about six lines of the Gospel of John on one side and an unidentified Christian text on the other. If Dr.(…)

Lire l’article de JENNIFER SCHUESSLER sur nytimes.com

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