BBC / les superhéros du monde antique

Over the past few years, even the most ardent comic book nerd might have wondered if there were too many superhero movies playing in the local multiplex. For every Iron Man, or Avengers, there have been a couple of less-than Fantastic Fours and enough dubious Hulks to smash the sternest spirit. Studios keep making these films because they know audiences will flock to see them, even if the heroes include a raccoon and a tree. So the question this poses is: why are we so drawn to superhero stories? And since when?

The answer to the second question is more brief than the first. Superheroes have existed for as long as stories, before writing and across every culture from which we can find evidence. Fionn mac Cumhaill built the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland, and Gilgamesh defeated Humbaba in Mesopotamia…

Lire l’article (en anglais) de Natalie Haynes sur

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